Euro Girls Escorts in Dubai

Euro Girls Escorts In Dubai
So your in Dubai and you want to book a Euro Girls Escort in Dubai but being the oil capital of the world you would think they don’t appreciate that sort of personal Escort Service, well it turns out they do.
Euro Girls Escorts In Dubai The Early Years
In the early years, an Escort Service was more of a grind that a glamorous thing to do for an Escort Girl but that’s just how it was back then until one evening in London I was doing an outcall to a clients apartment. I walked into what I thought to be a regular London apartment but it was more like a palace fit for a king, when I commented on how nice his place was, he said it was what he was used to.
New Adventurers For Escort Girls
The client was so happy with the Escort Service I provided, he offered to fly me off to Dubai for the week all expenses paid, I thought he was joking until he told what he was willing to pay, you could imagine I almost bit his arm off. I left his apartment thinking was this real, is this actually going to happen, you read about this sort of thing but you never think it could happen to you, was I actually going to be a Euro Girls Escort in Dubai.
Different World For a Escort Girl
I have been a Euro Girls Escort for a long time now but never a Euro Girls Escort in Dubai, it was like a different world to me, the client put me up in a private apartment with a personal servant who tended to my every need, there was a full wardrobe of outfits for evening functions he wanted me to attend with him that week, there was even a personal makeup and hair artist who turned up once in the morning and each evening before each function, it was the most amazing experience of my life, I didn’t want to leave.
Time To My Self
I had each day to myself, he arranged site seeing trips for me each day, a private car would turn up each morning and took me to the many wonders Dubai has to offer, even for a Euro Girls Escort in Dubai. The driver had me back in my apartment in time to get ready for that evening function, my hair and makeup artist was normally waiting for me, but once it came to the evening, I was his to do with as he pleased.
End Of The Week
It was the last day and I got to admit I was hoping I never had to leave and let’s face it being a Euro Girls Escort back home or a Euro Girls Escort in Dubai where I was treated like a princess, which would you pick. The reality of going home was starting to sink in and I was getting ready to leave for the airport then makeup artist turned up, only she was not there to do my makeup, she had an envelope of cash from him, I suppose that was his way of saying goodbye, plus that was the whole reason I was there even though it did feel more of a holiday than work.
Escort Girl Back Home
When we arrive back home after a trip away we get that glad to be home feeling, well I never got that. The second I stepped of the plane I wanted to go back to being a Euro Girls Escort in Dubai but I was back in London doing the regular Escort Service, my Dubai prince was gone he had his fun with me and simply disposed of me. I suppose that’s the price we pay as Escort Girls, that feeling of being treated like a piece of meat is taken for granted so much in the Escort service business, but in Dubai, they just do it in style.